What do you see at Christmas?

“Glory to God in the highest,

And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” Luke 2:14

​Christmas is the most renowned celebrated holiday in the world today. Some people see Christmas  as an  eagerly awaited holiday from work. Others see Christmas  as a time for the  family coming together to eat  special foods and catch up.  Some see that Christmas is all about the presents. Record sales push retailers and retail staff into extreme demand for the biggest gift giving day of the year.  There’s also a large number of believers who make their pilgrimage to churches around the globe for their only visit of the year.

​What do you see at Christmas time?  Do you really see the Christmas miracle?  Christmas is about CHRIST and His arrival!  It’s His birthday. God did the most amazing miracle. In one  most remarkable moment, divinity became flesh.  God entered the womb of a teenage girl and became a fetus. In that one moment everything was altered for the human race.  God became a human man for the first and only time and lived among us.  Holiness slept in a womb. God grew eyebrows, toe nails and hair. He also had a heart and mind just like us, to understand and experience every ounce of our humanity. God came down, denouncing His Glorious throne room and the worship of angels to save you from sin.  Majesty in the midst of the mundane.  Perfection born in a humble and smelly stable. Not the place you’d expect royalty to be born.

The angel of the Lord heralded (proclaimed),

“Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”

​God’s desire for you this Christmas is to embrace Jesus Christ and His glorious life. To make Him your King and give Him the highest place in your life.  Jesus has come to bring peace and make peace between you and God. He did this by  living 33 sinless years and giving up His life as a holy sacrifice for sin in your place.  God gives you His gift of Salvation and Grace.

When you receive this gift, it totally changes your life and world.  The love gift of Jesus causes you to love others and show ‘goodwill toward men.’

Friend, see Christ this Christmas. After all it’s all about Him!

Don’t Stop Here

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