Who Is Freedom
Ministries International?

FMI is a ministry called to propel the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into this world. We do this work through Churches, Bible Colleges, Schools, Clinics and outreach to the needy.

In Australia, New Zealand, the South Pacific, Africa and now planting in Europe – we desire to bring the life-giving freedom of the full Gospel of Jesus Christ to all men and women and reveal the radical love of God the Father for all nations.
We remain steadfast to the Word of God and share the Father’s will for all men to be saved and brought into the Kingdom of God.

Our Leadership

Peter & Sonia Thomas are our International Presidents, leading an International Board overseeing the works of FMI and its growth into new opportunites. Peter and Sonia have been married over 30 years with 3 married children and 8 grand-children. Peter has been in ministry over 40 years since his early teen years and Sonia comes from a dramatic conversion to Christ in her early 20,s and has over 30 years of pastoring, bible teaching and leadership. Peter & Sonia work with Leaders of Freedom Ministries and Freedom Centres across the countries where we minister. They describe this work in their own words “ to be seeking according to FMI Purpose and Mission, to bring the lost to Christ and the children of God into deeper awareness and walk with Jesus. To lead the work of FMI to be bringing all of us into more of the intimate life with Christ and the FREEDOM He has won for us all in the Holy, separated, and secret place we have with our Heavenly Father.”

Doctrinal Statement

a) The full and unique inspiration of the Holy Bible as the Divine Word of God, the only infallible, sufficient, and authoritative rule of faith and practice.

b) One God, eternally existent in three persons as the Father, the Son,
and the Holy Spirit.

c) Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His vicarious death, His bodily resurrection, His Ascension, His mediatory intercession,
and His personal imminent second coming in power and glory.

d) The existence of a person being referred to in the Scripture as Satan,
who is the enemy of Christ and His Church and who seeks the
downfall of humanity.

e) The fall of man, his moral depravity, and the necessity of the New Birth.

f) Substitutionary atonement through the shed blood of Christ.

g) Salvation through the grace of God at repentance, being justified by faith
in Christ Jesus.

h) Regeneration and sanctification by faith (the infilling of the Holy Spirit)
in the act of total commitment at baptism resulting in purity of heart and endowment of power for holy living and service.

i) Security of the believer as he abides in vital fellowship with Christ.

j) Resurrection of the body unto eternal life for the saved and unto eternal punishment for the lost.

k) Spiritual unity of all believers who comprise the Church, the body of Christ.

l) Christ’s great commission to the Church to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature, baptising, and teaching those who believe

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